We separated the eggs and then beat the whites until they were stiff. Then we added the sugar a little bit at a time. Once it looked fluffy and white we added vanilla and vinegar (and a few drops of blue colouring!) and then we poured it onto a baking tray. Then we enjoyed the ‘cooks privilege’ and licked the beaters and bowl.
Once it was cooked, we whipped some cream, and spread it all over the pav before decorating it with strawberries. It was delicious!

This was a great way of linking literacy with real life activities. The children followed the recipe from the book and we discussed what had happened in the story while we baked. The children also had a great sense of pride in their pavlova as we all enjoyed this tasty treat!
Connor tells me it was yummy! He said it was crunchy and white and blue, and that he picked up the strawberries but not the pavlova!
It was divine!!!
I wasent at all surprised to see blake in here cracking the eggs, he's the 'egg cracker' in our home and does an excellent job of not getting the shells in. He says 'it was all blue mum'!
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