Welcome to our Blog

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Recently in the Tui Room there has been a huge interest in crocodiles. This all began when Kirsty (from the Morporks) gave us a crocodile egg after her trip to Aussie. We had to put the egg in water then sat back and watched the baby croc hatch and grow into a big crocodile!

Pictures of real crocodiles have been put up on the window for the children to look at and a huge crocodile is sitting, snoozing on the window sill. We have also been looking at crocodile books and singing some great songs throughout the day - "Five little monkeys swinging in a tree. Teasing Mr Crocodile, you can't catch me, you can't catch me", and "The crocodile's mouth went... SNAP!".

Thursday, March 3, 2011