On the 28th of April the whole centre went out to an orchard on Thompson Road to pick some apples and have a look around the apple trees. We arrived just before morning tea so we were able to sit on the grass and have some fruit and biscuits. We walked around the orchard and Matt taught us all to say hello in Samoan. We then met some of the pickers who were from Samoa and were able to say hello to them using the Samoan language “Mālo”. We had built up a huge appetite by this stage so we went back to the shed for a sausage sizzle lunch. We finished off the day by picking loads of apples to bring back to the centre. We all had an awesome day and the children loved eating apples straight off the trees. A big thank you to Matt, who gave up his time to show us around his orchard and also thanks to those parents who came on the trip with us. We couldn’t go on these trips without your help, so thank you.